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360° Interactive Images Gallery - Map of the Moncton Area Virtual Tour

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A 360 Virtual Tour of Moncton (NB) and Surrounding Areas

To view a 360° image: Click on a location pointer on the interactive map, a pop-up will appear, click on the image.
To return to this page: Click the Map navigation link (gray menu bar) or the Back button in your browser.
To see other areas on the map: Click and drag over the map to move it within the window.
To zoom-in: Double-click on a blank area of the map, or use mouse wheel.

Note: one-time events may not appear in this virtual tour map; go to List by Date or Categories Page for a complete list of 360° images.

Locations visited: Moncton, Dieppe, Riverview, Shediac, Fredericton, Sussex, Elgin, Memramcook, Richibucto, McAdam...

Send your suggestions for new 360-degree panoramic images for this Moncton area virtual tour by using our Contact Page.